19 de novembro de 2010

Rain sweet rain…




Here am I writing for the world again… because the rain returned to my world and enlighted it with its darkness… Dark sweet dark of mine that makes me extremely sad and unhappy but… at the same time makes me go deep into my soul and search the true me that lives somewhere in between my body and my soul.

I miss the rain… so cold and smooth… so violent and refreshing… so silent and so angry…

I question myself… why am I writing again? Is that good? Don’t think so… but is good to feel that inside me lives many words that whisper in my ear whenever the rain comes…

See you soon…

25 de fevereiro de 2010

Leve breve chuva…

Olho a janela… Chuva cai. Cai incessantemente ocupando todas as arestas da paisagem que povoa a minha visão.

Cai como se dela ninguém precisasse… como quem foge mas não sabe para onde vai…

Chuva miudinha, silenciosa, quase invisivel e tão abrangente e presente em todos os recantos deste Mundo isolado.

Chuva que vive ao sabor do vento e dança juntamente com ele sem nunca se cansar… Chuva que aquece a alma dos tristes solitários.

Chuva cai…


19 de dezembro de 2009

Boas Festas!!!!

postal de natal

Porque o Natal é tempo de Paz, Amor e Harmonia, neste Natal espero que todos tenham carinho, afecto, atenção e uma família para partilhar a magia do Natal.

Natal não é só comprar presentes… é conquistar corações… é trocar sorrisos… é dizer aos Amigos “Gosto de ti!”… é dizer à família “Amo-vos!”… é dizer a nós próprios “Neste Natal, acima de tudo quero ser feliz…”.

Por isso, eu vos desejo um Natal cheio de felicidade e brilho.   istrreela

1 de novembro de 2009

Ponto de Luz...

30 de maio de 2009


What happens to a man when
He spills his heart on a page and
He watches words flow away then
His feelings lie on the page alone
There waiting
For someone who cares to read them
To open their eyes to see them
To see if they can make his thoughts their own
To find out that maybe your life's not perfect
Maybe it's not worth what he gives away
You can see that this broken soul is bleeding
So you can see your feelings inside yourself
And wander through my heart
Letting you see through me
Now only consumes me
Forget your pain, watch me fall apart
What happens to a soul when
It's trapped inside his emotions
And all of these words he's spoken
They bind him to the life he's left behind
And every new step he takes
He knows that he might not make it
To all of these dreams that he has yet to find
Maybe your life's not perfect
But maybe it's not worth what he gives away
You can see that this broken soul is bleeding
So you can see your feelings inside yourself
And wander through my heart
Letting you see through me
Now only consumes me
Forget your pain and watch me fall apart
You can see that this broken soul is bleeding
So you can see your feelings inside yourself
And wander through my heart
Letting you see through me
Now only consumes me
Forget your pain and watch me fall apart
As i fall apart

                                                                                      3 Doors Down

24 de maio de 2009

Obrigado ao Blog Pós de Perlimpimpim pelo selo :)

As regras são as seguintes:
1. Publicar a imagem do selo e linkar o blogue que passou;
2. Escolher 5 situações na tua vida que mereciam ser repetidas em câmara-lenta;
3. Passar o desafio e o selo a 12 blogues e avisá-los.

1. A minha estreia a tocar órgão
2. A primeira vez que trajei
3. O meu primeiro beijo
4. Quando recebi o canudo
5. A minha primeira aula

E os Blogs seleccionados são: (para agora não tenho mais blogs para nomear...)


11 de maio de 2009


There are as many nights as days, and the one is just as long as the other in the year's course.
Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.

                                                                                          -Carl Jung
